
Background During an MR procedure, most of the transmitted RF power is transformed into heat referred to as the specific energy absorption rate(SAR). EU directive(IEC60602-3-33) mandates all scanners must measure SAR and provide safeguards for tissue-limits. Accurate estimation of SAR is critical in safeguarding vulnerable patients. Modern MRI systems can easily exceed safe SAR levels and our aim is to develop a protocol to verify patient specific SAR using a MR phantom heated solely by the RF fields. Methods Our phantom is a non-perfused material simplifying pennes-bioheat equation. The SAR at discreet points in the observation plane is determined by SAR ≈ C_agar Δ T / Δ t[W⧹kg] Where C_agar is 4200 J/kg.K, Δ T is the change in temperature and Δ t is the change in time. Δ T was determined via Proton Resonance Frequency Shift (PRF) thermometry. Δ T = ( ϕ - ϕ _ 0 ) /( α γ B_0 TE) Where.

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