
This study is the embodiment of one of the Ministry of National Education program on the development of entrepreneurship education the integration of entrepreneurship education with character education in the educational unit by developing the entrepreneurship values. The reason this research conducted because according to the results of preliminary studies inculcation of entrepreneurship values in RA Miftahul Falah has not run optimally. The core objective of this study was to inculcate the values of entrepreneurship in early childhood through the project method. This research used methods of action research conducted collaboratively in four cycles over two months. Data collection tools in this study include observation through field notes, interviews, and documentation. After inculcating entrepreneurship values in early childhood through project method in class B2 RA Miftahul Falah there are 11 values that arise from child are: (1) autonomy; (2) creative; (3) dare to take risk; (4) action oriented; (5) leadership; (6) hard work; (7) discipline; (8) responsible; (9) cooperation; (10) curiosity; (11) communicative. As for the supporting factors in this research are: (1) media; (2) teacher strategies in learning; (3) cooperation between teacher and writer; (4) interesting learning process and direct practice; (5) peer influence. Key Word: Entrepreneurship Values, Early Childhood, Project Method

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