
The results of studies on the effect of synthetic tryptophan supplements to goose feed during the reproductive period on the incubation qualities of eggs, the level of total protein, albumin and α-, β- and γ-globulins in the blood of embryos and newborn goslings are presented. The study was conducted on four groups of geese-analogues of the Obroshyn gray breed group during the 3-month period (January ‒ March). The control group did not receive synthetic tryptophan supplements. The level of this amino acid in this group of geese in accordance with current regulations in Ukraine was 0.16 g per 100 g of feed. To the diet of birds 2, 3 and 4 experimental groups were additionally administered, respectively, 0.04; 0.09 and 0.14 g of synthetic tryptophan per 100 g of feed. As a result of research it was found that increasing the level of tryptophan from 0.16 g to 0.30 g per 100 g of feed due to its synthetic analogue in the diet of geese during egg-laying significantly improves the incubation quality of eggs and has a positive effect on protein levels. daily embryos and 5-day-old goslings. It is shown that the most pronounced effect on improving the quality of hatching eggs and optimizing the effect on the level of protein in the blood of embryos and goslings reveals the content of tryptophan in feed during intensive laying of geese in the amount of 0.25 g per 100 g of feed. Studies have shown that the quality of hatching eggs and the content of total protein, albumin and α-, β- and γ-globulins in the blood of embryos and newborn goslings has a pronounced positive effect on the level of tryptophan in the diet of geese during intensive laying. In particular, increasing the amount of this essential amino acid in goose feed during the reproductive period from 0.16 to 0.30 g due to its synthetic analogue improves such incubation qualities of eggs as: egg-laying, weight, length, width, egg shape index, strength and thickness eggshells, and increases in the serum of 25-day-old embryos and 5-day-old goslings contents of total protein, albumin and α-, β- and γ-globulins (P < 0.05). It is shown that the most pronounced positive effect on the optimization of protein ingredients in the serum of both embryos and goslings was found for the content of tryptophan in the feed of geese of the parent flock in the amount of 0.25 g per 100 g of feed. The results show that increasing the level of such essential amino acids as tryptophan in goose feed during intensive egg-laying from 0.16 to 0.25 g per 100 g of feed activates the synthesis of egg components in the ovary of birds, improves their quality and has a stimulating effect on the biosynthesis in hepatocytes of embryos and newborn goslings of total protein, its albumin, α-, β-globulin fractions and immune γ-globulins.


  • Incubation qualities of eggs and the level of protein ingredients in the blood of embryos and goslings by optimizing the level of tryptophan in the diet of geese of the parent flock

  • The results of studies on the effect of synthetic tryptophan supplements to goose feed during the reproductive period on the incubation qualities of eggs, the level of total protein, albumin and α, β- and γglobulins in the blood of embryos and newborn goslings are presented

  • Studies have shown that the quality of hatching eggs and the content of total protein, albumin and α, β- and γ-globulins in the blood of embryos and newborn goslings has a pronounced positive effect on the level of tryptophan in the diet of geese during intensive laying

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Наведено результати досліджень щодо впливу добавок синтетичного триптофану до комбікорму гусей у репродуктивний період на інкубаційні якості яєць, рівень загального білка, альбумінів та α-, β- і γ-глобулінів у крові ембріонів і новонароджених гусенят. У результаті проведених досліджень встановлено, що підвищення рівня триптофану із 0,16 г до 0,30 г у 100 г комбікорму за рахунок його синтетичного аналога в раціоні гусей у період яйцекладки істотно поліпшує інкубаційні якості яєць та справляє позитивний вплив на рівень білкових інгредієнтів 25-добових ембріонів і 5-добових гусенят. Враховуючи метаболічну і продуктивну дію триптофану в організмі птиці та відсутність у науковій літературі даних щодо оптимізації його вмісту у раціонах, метою нашої роботи було порівняльне дослідження впливу різних кількостей цієї амінокислоти в раціоні гусей у репродуктивний період на інкубаційні якості яєць, показники білкового обміну крові ембріонів і гусенят

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