
In this paper we present algorithms and tools for fast and efficient reachability analysis, applicable to continuous and hybrid systems. Most of the work on reachability analysis and safety verification concentrates on conservative representations of the set of reachable states, and consequently on the generation of safety certificates; however, inability to prove safety with these tools does not necessarily result in a proof of unsafety. In this paper, we propose an alternative approach, which aims at the fast falsification of safety properties; this approach provides the designer with a complementary set of tools to the ones based on conservative analysis, providing additional insight into the characteristics of the system under analysis. Our algorithms are based on algorithms originally proposed for robotic motion planning; the key idea is to incrementally grow a set of feasible trajectories by exploring the state space in an efficient way. The ability of the proposed algorithms to analyze the reachability and safety properties of general continuous and hybrid systems is demonstrated on examples from the literature.

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