
Uranium in two new chondrites—Yanzhuang Meteorite and Sixiangkou Meteorite in China— as well as in jilin Meteorite has been mapped by the fission track technique after different annealing temperatures from 700 to 1300°C for 1 hour. Uranium concentration and microscopic distribution have been obtained by counting tracks of induced fissions of 235U in the meteorites. It shows that: 1. (1) Uranium concentration in chondrules decreases with increasing of annealing temperature while the total uranium concentration in chondrules and their surrounding materials in each chondrite is nearly constant. This means that uranium migrates from inside to outside of chondrules at rate which increases as temperature increases. 2. (2) Total Uranium concentration is about 20 ppb in Sixiangkou Meteorite and about 14 ppb in both Yanzhuang Meteorite and Jilin Meteorite. These results confirm that Uranium concentration in L group of meteorites is higher than that in H group. 3. (3) It seems that the informations of Uranium concentration and its microscopic distribution can be used to study the processes of formation and evolution of chondrites.

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