
The change of summertime synoptic-scale wave train (SWT) activity over the western North Pacific (WNP) since 1950 was investigated based on the NCEP-NCAR reanalysis data. It is found that the intensity of SWT has a rising trend, while its structure and phase propagation characteristics remain unchanged. Environmental factors responsible for the rising trend are investigated. By separating the whole period into three warming phases (P1: 1950–1958, P2: 1978–1986, and P3: 2006–2014), we found that even though the vertical velocity shows a rising trend, the background low-level vorticity over the monsoon trough region increases from P1 to P2 but decreases from P2 to P3, and so is the low-level barotropic energy conversion (CK). Thus, just the environmental dynamic factor could not explain the continuous rising SWT trend. On the other hand, thermodynamic factor, such as the sea surface temperature (SST), moisture, and atmospheric instability, shows a clear step-by-step increasing trend. A non-dimensional synoptic activity index (SAI) that combines the dynamic and thermodynamic factors is then proposed. This index well captures the observed long-term trend of the SWT intensity.

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