
Because IoT devices work with data that may be confidential or confidential, that data must be protected. Due to the peculiarities of platforms and the implementation of such systems, namely: first, the use of devices with limited computing characteristics, which makes it impossible to use traditional means of information protection and data transmission protocols, and secondly. systems, and provide them with sufficient computing resources due to the impossibility of laying power lines, thirdly, the lack of standards for the implementation of these devices in the existing infrastructure, there are serious threats to the confidentiality, integrity and availability of information. The article considers the model of the IoT system, oneM2M standard presented by the European Institute of Communication Standards. IoT devices are designed with the necessary network connectivity, but often do not provide reliable network security. Network security is a critical factor in the deployment of IoT devices. The situation is complicated by the fact that IoT largely consists of limited devices. A limited device usually has a very limited cycle of power, memory, and processing. IoT devices are particularly vulnerable to threats because many of the current IoT devices do not support encryption. Several known encryption algorithms were selected for analysis: RSA, Vernam cipher, El Gamal scheme. After analyzing the above algorithms, a prototype of the IoT system was developed using limited devices, which provides absolute cryptographic stability. The prototype consists of a gateway in the role of a Raspberry pi 3 B + microcomputer, a limited Arduino Nano device with a connected sensor and a software implementation of the above-mentioned Vernam cipher with all the tasks.

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