
Evolution of internet had connected millions of devices across the globe, including smart gadgets for home uses like Smart TV, thermostat, and CCTV camera, etc. It had made the entire human community connected and access gadgets from every corner of the world through cloud infrastructure. An increase in Internet of Things (IoT) devices leads to a decrease in computational performance during machine interaction while computing and makes the IoT framework as a failure model. Other biggest challenges faced by the IoT devices are privacy and security of personal information due to adversary attack during device communication. The current safety measures like frequent password change, updating IoT devices regularly, secondary network usage Virtual Private Network (VPN), and avoiding plug and play features can be reliable up to a certain threshold but can't guarantee 100% security. The public key cryptography algorithm (Rivest, Shamir, Adleman [RSA]) that is considered to be a safe algorithm in the current era is in threat due to the invention of new technology. One-time pad (OTP) is considered an efficient encryption technique in secure communication in classical cryptography but lags in distributing the key between parties. The trade-off between increasing IoT devices and classical security measures is unbalanced, so required new technology to solve the problem. Development of cutting-edge technology, known as quantum computing, will be helpful in providing a sustainable solution for computational speed during machine communication and solving security issues in millions of IoT devices. Quantum technology work based on the principle of quantum physics works differently from current technology, which depends on classical physics. The classical cryptography works based on bits, which is predictable in nature, can be easily hacked but quantum uses qubits, which is superposition of 0 and 1. The measurement of unknown qubit that gives 1/2 probabilities to measure either in bit “0” or bit “1” makes difficult to predict the data. Grover's algorithm helps to search an unsorted database in O( https://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML"> √ n https://s3-euw1-ap-pe-df-pch-content-public-p.s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/9781003268796/ff7c0afb-bead-450a-a822-68dbcc013133/content/math16_1.tif" xmlns:xlink="https://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"/> ) as it takes O(n) in classical algorithm and Shor's algorithm in quantum computing, solving the factoring a large number in polynomial time as it takes exponential time by classical model. Heisenberg principles and no-cloning theorem are the properties of quantum mechanics and will solve the privacy issue and provide high-level security by identifying the involvement of unauthorized user in current communication. The uncertainty principle given by Heisenberg states that it's impossible to measure the unknown quantum states without disturbing it, which leads to identification of involvement of third party in it. Another quantum property is no-cloning theorem that means it's difficult to make the duplicate of the unknown states. So it's impossible for an adversary to clone the quantum state in order to snoop the quantum information in secure communication. Another variant of communication in quantum computing in entanglement where a third party will generate an entangled photon and send qubit to communicating parties. Measurement of qubit by one party will correlated with the measurement of other party which leads to generation of secure key. Quantum communications have various phases like quantum state preparation, state transmission, and state measurement which are entirely different from classical communication. Quantum secure direct communication (QSDC) is a two-way communications where two parties will transfer information directly in secure manner without the key. Another way is transferring the secure key between user using quantum key distribution (QKD) and OTP used to secretly share the information between them using ciphertext. Quantum and classical security approach should be joined together to obtain high-level security for the IoT security framework.

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