An experiment was conducted to investigate the hypothesis that increasing the intake of Persian clover (Trifolium resupinatum L.) would decrease rumen fluid pH and the rate of loss of neutral detergent fibre from nylon bags. It was further hypothesised that the reduction in the rate of disappearance of neutral detergent fibre with increased intake would be less in highly digestible clover than in highly digestible ryegrass or pasture hay. Sixteen rumen fistulated cows, in late lactation, were used in a completely randomised, split-plot design for 33 days. There were 4 pasture allowance treatments (9, 16, 32 and 53 kg dry matter (DM)/cow.day of Persian clover) with 4 cows per treatment. Cows grazed in individual plots, pasture intakes were measured, and rumen fluid and in sacco measurements were undertaken. Pasture DM intake increased asymptotically as pasture allowance increased from 9 to 53 kg DM. Cows grazing at the 9 kg pasture allowance spent less time grazing than cows at higher allowances (294 v. 368, 421 and 414 min, P<0.05). Cows grazing at the 2 lower allowances spent less time grazing at night than cows at the 2 higher allowances. There was no effect (P>0.05) of pasture allowance on time spent ruminating, which averaged 236 min. Estimated rates of intake increased (P<0.05) with pasture allowance. Average daily rumen fluid pH decreased linearly (P<0.05) with pasture intake, with the averages for the pasture allowance treatments being 6.03, 5.95, 5.83 and 5.79 as pasture allowance increased. The patterns of rumen fluid pH over 24 h indicated that it was only late in the night that treatment differences were detected, with the lower pasture allowance treatments recording higher rumen fluid pH values than the higher pasture allowance treatments. There was no effect of pasture allowance on average daily rumen fluid ammonia-N concentrations (25 mg/100 mL). Total volatile fatty acids concentrations averaged 139, 152, 163 and 168 mmol/L as pasture allowance increased from 9 to 53 kg DM/cow.day. The proportion of acetate in total volatile fatty acids generally declined (71.4, 70.4, 67.4 and 69.2%; s.e.d. = 1.14) and the proportion of propionate generally increased (15.2, 15.5, 17.6 and 17.0%; s.e.d. = 0.77) as pasture allowance increased from 9 to 53 kg DM/cow, respectively. Rate of neutral detergent fibre loss from nylon bags was highest in clover, and lowest in hay, and was higher in cows grazing at 9 and 16 kg allowances compared with cows at 32 and 53 kg (P<0.05). There was a linear relationship (P<0.05) between rate of neutral detergent fibre loss and rumen fluid pH for clover and ryegrass, but not hay (P>0.05). There were no differences (P>0.05) in total rumen contents (75.6 kg; s.e.d. = 6.95), or DM (7.3 kg; s.e.d. = 0.73) and neutral detergent fibre (2.7 kg; s.e.d. = 0.32) pools, of cows grazing at different allowances. Offering cows increasing allowances of Persian clover pasture reduced rumen digesta retention times, as rumen pool sizes did not change. Average daily pH fell with increasing allowance due to differences in daily intake and pH patterns, and increasing pasture allowance decreased the rate of disappearance of neutral detergent fibre. It is suggested that increased outflow rates, driven by differences in daily pH patterns and changes in substrate composition, were responsible for the decline in disappearance of neutral detergent fibre from nylon bags, but the effects of the factors cannot be separated.
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