
Topicality. The urgency of the study is due to the fact that in Ukraine the volume of cargo transportation using multimodal technologies is growing. Therefore, increasing the efficiency of multimodal transportation using the latest methods of their optimization is timely. This is especially true for those modes of transport whose share in total freight turnover is relatively small.
 Aim and tasks.The main purpose of the study is to develop theoretical and applied provisions and algorithms for finding the optimal solution for several target functions with different measurement scales to increase the efficiency of multimodal transportation, in particular, with the alternative use of different modes of transport. To achieve this goal, the following tasks arose: to study the impact of the monopolization of the transportation market by certain modes of transport on the reliability and efficiency of transportation; solving the problem of optimization of freight transportation from the national or general industry point of view; study of the importance of the development of inland water transport to increase the efficiency and reliability of multimodal transport; creating an algorithm for finding the optimal solution for several target functions.
 Research results.Theoretical and applied positions of search of the optimum decision on several target functions with different scale of measurement for increase of efficiency of multimodal transportations, including, at alternative use of different types of transport are investigated. The study proved that the choice of only one of the traditional target functions of transport companies - the cost or time of transportation does not guarantee its effectiveness without assessing the risks of transportation of goods. An algorithm for selecting the optimal solution for several objective functions is proposed. To do this, we used the method of finding the extremum of each of them by its own nontrivial subset. It is proved that these sets, in the general case, are not identical, so to find a solution for several objective functions complicated by their different dimensions, the principle of compromise must be used.The study established a significant degree of monopolization of the transportation market by certain modes of transport and indicated that to solve the problem of optimization of freight transportation from the national or general industry point of view requires equalization of disparities in freight turnover by mode of transport.Conclusion.Analysis of the results of the study allows us to draw the following conclusions: to use the resource to increase the efficiency and reliability of cargo transportation, especially for multimodal transportation technologies, it is necessary to equalize the disproportions of cargo turnover by types of cargo transportation to avoid monopolization of the transport market. To increase the efficiency of transportation, the latest algorithm for selecting the optimal solution for several target functions is proposed. The introduction of this algorithm to optimize multimodal transportation in scientific and practical problems will allow to take into account the risks and find a compromise solution in complex problems of finding solutions for the transportation of goods.


  • Висновки.Аналіз результатів проведеного дослідження дозволяє зробити наступні висновки: для використання ресурсу підвищення ефективності і надійності транспортування вантажів, особливо за мультимодальних технологій перевезення треба вирівнювати диспропорцій вантажообороту за видами транспортування вантажів для уникнення стану монополізації ринку перевезень окремими видами транспорту

  • The study proved that the choice of only one of the traditional target functions of transport companies - the cost or time of transportation does not guarantee its effectiveness without assessing the risks of transportation of goods

  • Conclusions and perspectives of further research.The presented results of the research are devoted to the increase of efficiency of multimodal transportations taking into account risks and optimization of transport routes.MMT by definition should be carried out using different modes of transport

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Висновки.Аналіз результатів проведеного дослідження дозволяє зробити наступні висновки: для використання ресурсу підвищення ефективності і надійності транспортування вантажів, особливо за мультимодальних технологій перевезення треба вирівнювати диспропорцій вантажообороту за видами транспортування вантажів для уникнення стану монополізації ринку перевезень окремими видами транспорту. Для збільшення ефективності перевезень запропоновано новітній алгоритм вибору оптимального рішення за декількома цільовими функціями. Перевезень в наукових і практичних задачах дозволить врахувати ризики та знаходити компромісне рішення в складних комплексних задачах пошуку прийняття рішень транспортування вантажів. Increasing the efficiency of multimodal transportation using the latest methods of their optimization is timely. This is especially true for those modes of transport whose share in total freight turnover is relatively small

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