
Introduction. The paradigm of global energy development is the priority of renewable energy sources (RES), namely, wind (WPP) and solar (SPP) power plants. This process has been evolving despite the fact that these renewable energy sources, by their physical nature, are unable to provide either a stable frequency of generated energy or a guaranteed power.Problem Statement. The current threatening situation in the Integrated Power System (IPS) and in the energy market of Ukraine is caused by the hypertrophied development of SPP and WPP in the structure of Ukraine’s IPS and excessive preferences given to RES by the “green” laws.Purpose. The purpose of this research is to create a fundamentally new structure and basis of the electric-heat system operation, which unite the IPS of Ukraine and the system of centralized heat supply (CHS), by electrifying the CHS through the use of autonomous RES energy and the capacities of nuclear power plants (NPP), in order to ensure the profitability ofUkraine’s energy market and the guaranteed profitability of RES.Material and Methods. Information of NEC Ukrenergo for 2021 and periodic energy publications; system analysis for established electrical, hydraulic, and temperature modes of joint operation of IPS, CHS, WPP, and SPP for a fundamentally new organization of their interaction.Results. Management based on the “green” tariff laws has led to a significant unprofitability of the Ukraine’s energy market. The greenhouse gas emissions during the use of RES in the IPS have increased several times, as compared with such emissions, in the case of the structure of the IPS without RES. The new principle of interrelationships between IPS, CHS, WPP, and SPP ensures high manufacturability, cost-effectiveness, reliability, and environmental friendliness of each component.Conclusions. The combination of IPS and CHS structures solves several problems of the national importance: the problem of frequency and power stabilization in the IPS automatically solves; the energy market of Ukraine gets rid of USD 15 billion loss anually; it allows saving 7.28 billion m3 natural gas and reducing the carbon dioxide emissions by 98 million tons in CO2 equivalent.

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