
In the era of information abundance, the demand for personalized content recommendations has become paramount. Recommendation engines, particularly those employing collaborative filtering, play a pivotal role in delivering tailored suggestions based on user preferences. As technology evolves, the need to enhance the effectiveness of prediction algorithms within these engines becomes increasingly crucial. This research endeavors to contribute to this evolving landscape by delving into collaborative filtering methodologies, identifying challenges, and proposing novel strategies to elevate the accuracy and relevance of predictions in recommendation systems. Through this exploration, we aim to not only refine existing models but also pave the way for more sophisticated and reliable personalized content recommendations.
 This research aims to enhance prediction accuracy in recommendation engines utilizing collaborative filtering. Through an in-depth exploration of collaborative filtering techniques, we propose innovative approaches to improve the effectiveness of predictions. Our study addresses key challenges in collaborative filtering models, offering insights into refined algorithms and methodologies. By fine-tuning the collaborative filtering process, we anticipate a substantial boost in the overall performance of recommendation engines, ultimately advancing the field of personalized content suggestion. The simulation is performed using Java language and using two datasets Movie Lens 1M and Movie Lens 100K.The proposed model was evaluated using the Mean Absolute Error, Precision, and Recall.
 The proposed model achieved a mean absolute error value ranging between 0.78 and 0.84 using the Movie Lens 100K dataset, and a mean absolute error value ranging between 0.72 and 0.74 using the Movie Lens 1M dataset for different values of the number of user groups. As for precision and recall, the precision of the proposed model ranged between 0.97 and 0.985 using the Movie Lens 100K data set, and a precision value ranging between 0.944 and 0.954 using the Movie Lens 1M data set, also for different values of the number of user groups.
 As for the recall results, the proposed model achieved a recall value ranging between 0.755 and 0.85 using the Movie Lens 100K dataset, and a recall value ranging between 0.72 and 0.75 using the Movie Lens 100K dataset, also for different values of the number of user groups. These results were compared with the PMF, HPF, and NMF algorithms, where the proposed model proved its clear superiority over these algorithms. Using this analysis of the matrix allows us to obtain a good prediction accuracy of users' preferences and to find common groups of people with similar preferences.

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