
Suicide cases are on the rise in Kashmir with even teenagers as young as 14, attempting suicide. This issue is emerging as a major problem in the society. More than 60 percent of those who commit suicides in Kashmir are women. And it is not just teenagers but widows, half-widows of conflict and those who face domestic violence are in the high risk group of suicide committers in Kashmir. Parental pressure and Academic pressure, by expecting too much from the students by putting them under constant pressure often leads to attempted suicides. A lot of students complain of huge pressure from the family to score good marks. This pressure only increases at the time of competitive exams. For some the pressure is too much to bear and they take the extreme step. Suicidal behaviours can be conceptualized as a complex process that can range from suicidal ideation, which can be communicated through verbal or non-verbal means, to planning of suicide, attempting suicide, and in the worst case, suicide. Suicidal behaviours are influenced by interacting biological, genetic, psychological, social, environmental and situational factors. The print media has been widely reported as having an important role in the prevention of suicide. The print media has to play a powerful role in educating the masses about suicide prevention besides reporting on such issues. Stories about suicide can inform readers and viewers about the likely causes of suicide, its warning signs, trends in suicide rates and recent treatment advances. Media stories about individual deaths by suicide may be newsworthy and need to be covered and can result in decreased suicide rates. The study is aimed to find out the increasing suicidal rates and its portrayal by the print media in kashmir.

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