
Knee valgus during landing has been identified as a strong correlate of ACL injury. Inappropriate trunk control during landing contributes to high knee valgus, with neuromuscular factors related to core stability postulated as the mechanism. This investigation probed the influence of trunk and hip mechanics, including joint stiffness, on knee mechanics, particularly high knee valgus. Specifically, this study quantified lumbar spine and hip joint rotational stiffness (a proxy for mechanical joint stability) during single-leg landing tasks known to be associated with injury risk, particularly in females. Kinematics, kinetics, and 24 channels of electromyography spanning the trunk and hip musculature were measured in 18 healthy female participants. Anatomically detailed EMG-driven musculoskeletal models quantified lumbar spine and hip joint rotational stiffness. The links between peak knee abduction angle and moment with lumbar spine and hip joint rotational stiffness were measured. Hip joint rotational stiffness influenced knee abduction across tasks (correlation coefficient ranging from −0.48 to −0.70, p < 0.05) to reduce valgus deviation. Similarly, transverse plane hip joint rotational stiffness during landings reduced knee abduction moment (R = -0.50, P = 0.03; R = -0.49, P = 0.04), and lumbar spine joint rotational stiffness reduced knee abduction angle and moment but did not consistently reach statistical significance. The control system uses stiffness to control motion. This study demonstrates the importance of proximal (lumbar spine and hip) joint rotational stiffness (i.e. core control stability) during single-leg landing to prevent knee abduction motion. Instantaneous core stability is achieved with the coordinated activation and stiffness of both trunk and hip muscles.

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