
The circular economy is a model that seeks a new form of production and consumption, where products and services, from their design, establish materials and processes to contribute to the reduction of the deterioration of natural systems, generating value as a way of responding to the sustainability problems faced by economic activities such as tourism. The purpose of this article is to learn about the current state of the circular economy and its incorporation into sustainable practices within the tourism industry in Mexico. Therefore, this study opted for a content analysis, considering REDALYC, SciELO, EBSCOhost, Taylor & Francis and SCOPUS databases, focusing mainly on studies from the last decade. As a result, 45 publications were selected, which allowed us to delineate the origins of the circular economy and its application in the global tourism industry, and in particular in Mexico. Among the main findings, it is presented that, during the last decade, it has emerged as a strategy to achieve the objectives of sustainable development in the tourism industry, highlighting that it is still in the process of development within the Mexican tourism context, so it is not possible to determine whether there is a positive impact that contributes to the sustainability of the sector.

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