
It is widely accepted that suicides-which account for more than 47 500 deaths per year in the United States-are undercounted by 10% to 30%, partially due to incomplete death scene investigations (DSI) and varying burden-of-proof standards across jurisdictions. This may result in the misclassification of overdose-related suicides as accidents or undetermined intent. Virtual and in-person meetings were held with suicidologists and DSI experts from five states (Spring-Summer 2017) to explore how features of a hypothetical electronic DSI tool may help address these challenges. Participants envisioned a mobile DSI application for cell phones, tablets, or laptop computers. Features for systematic information collection, scene description, and guiding key informant interviews were perceived as useful for less-experienced investigators. Wide adoption may be challenging due to differences in DSI standards, practices, costs, data privacy and security, and system integration needs. However, technological tools that support consistent and complete DSIs could strengthen the information needed to accurately identify overdose suicides.

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