
The binary ReSi2 and ternary (Mo,Re)Si2 alloys are of interest due to potential applications as infrared detectors [1]. Also, Re may be a beneficial alloying element to MoSi2 which is a potential high temperature structural material [2]. A recent study of the structure of ReSi2 by X-ray diffraction (XRD) revealed an orthorhombic distortion (a= 0.3121 nm, b= 0.3139 nm and c= 0.7670 nm) from the tetragonal CI lb MoSi2 structure and a Si-deficient composition of Re4Si7 [3]. Further, a weak monoclinic distortion (β=89.87°) was also inferred from high-resolution XRD [3]. In the present investigation, the orthorhombic distortion and the Si-deficient stoichiometry were confirmed by XRD and the structure of arc-melted Re4Si7 studied by transmission electron microscopy (TEM).A bright field (BF) TEM image and the corresponding [010] zone axis selected area diffraction pattern (SADP) are shown in Fig. 1. In addition to the fundamental reflections for tetragonal Cllb MoSi2 structure,

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