
Narrow band gap semiconductors such as ReSi2-x (Eg ∽0.12 eV) are potential materials for infrared detectors [1]. Further, ReSi2-x is in thermodynamic equilibrium and has a very small lattice mismatch with Si offering the potential of developing ReSi2-x /Si heterojunction devices where the detector element and the signal processing circuitry can be integrated on one Si chip. In a previous study, strong crystallographic alignment between ReSi2-x film and (001)Si substrate was observed by ion channeling [1]. In this study, a transmission electron microscopy (TEM) study has been performed on ReSi2-x epitaxial films on (001) Si. Comparisons are made to our previous microscopy study [2] on the defect structures in bulk single crystals of ReSi2-x.ReSi2-x films were prepared by reactive deposition epitaxy (RDE) technique by evaporating Re onto (001) Si wafer at 650 °C. A cap layer of Cr was evaporated at room temperature. A bright field (BF) TEM image of the interface in cross-section is shown in Fig. 1 with the corresponding selected area diffraction pattern (SADP) shown in Fig. 2.

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