
This study analysed literature on inclusive pedagogy and its application in a virtual classroom. One of the major consequences of the Covid 19 Pandemic was a sudden paradigm shift from traditional modes of delivering instruction to modern technologically compliant modes such as e- learning and multimodal instruction. The issue of concern is whether or not the different categories of learners have their pedagogical needs adequately met in a virtual classroom. The researcher carried out a literature review analysis using search engines such as Google Scholar, Ebsco and others. For the past few decades there has been great emphasis on inclusive education. However, the preponderance of literature available focuses on special needs learners or learners with some disability. The major theories that inform the study are Howard Gardner’s theory of Multiple Intelligences, Fleming and Mills’ VARK theory and The Universal Design for Learning. The findings from readings and practice revealed that in a virtual class the students may be placed into 4 major categories. Each of these categories has unique characteristics. It is only when educators understand each category of learners then they are able to develop inclusive pedagogic strategies to optimize learning for each category. This study used an inclusive pedagogy conceptual frame work cycle. This conceptual framework comprises of 3 key phases; Cognitive preparedness, curriculum preparedness and classroom practice understanding the learner. As the cyclic process continues the quality of inclusion becomes better refined and no learner is left behind. The study recommends that educators strive to know their learners, deliberately plan for their unique and diverse needs then finally educators need to engage the learners according to their uniqueness utilizing variety of pedagogical strategies of both lesson delivery and assessment of learning. These may include blended learning, multimodal instruction using both synchronous and asynchronous sessions, self-assessments, peer assessments as well as teacher assessments.

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