
The advent of technology has opened up a new vista of Gamification in higher education, especially English as second language acquisition. Games and their elements have increased the engagement, motivation and autonomy of the learners. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, there has been a 360-degree change in online education. Unfortunately, the existing infrastructure, course content, and delivery failed to engage the learners during the online sessions to some extent. One of the reasons why online education in the present scenario failed to engage the online delivery is that the teachers and the taught were not connected, and even if it happened, the ratio was next to nil. The researcher has tried to bring in Gamification or game-based learning in online education while teaching first-year engineering students English as a second language. Plotagon mobile application has been used to incite the learners for English as second language acquisition. The learners were found engaged and excited in using this mobile application as they could create the animated conversations independently.

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