
The multimedia software for teaching logical-mathematical relationships in early childhood education today has achieved significant changes in teaching, leaving using traditional methods and teaching techniques to apply information technology and communications - ICT within the teaching-learning process, and that is where the imperative of using a multimedia software using it as a central focus for early childhood education arises. The main objective of this research was to apply a multimedia software to improve the teaching-learning process in logical relationships - math children early education Early Education Center .El Mamey”. It is noted that the factors influencing the teaching of children aged between 3 and 5 years are: habits, motivation, methodology, family and emotional intelligence, all this leading to use of a multimedia software to improve cognitive, psychomotor and even more so when you learn playing skills. The above is based on surveys of parents i / or legal representatives of children of early childhood education, where the use of multimedia software Emily’s are considered feasible.

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