
Hair loss directly impacts people’s social interactions and also affects psychological well-being. Hair fall has been a rising trend nowadays due to dynamic lifestyle and pollution. In this context,the present study was performed to identify the potential of the Biofield Energy Healing (The Trivedi Effect®) Treated test item (mixture of herbal ex-tracts of Phyllantus emblica and Eclipta alba in 1:1 ratio) on the telogen skin of mice for the assessment of haircell growth and development in vivo. The test item was divided into two parts. One part was denoted as the untreated test item without any Biofield Energy Treatment, while the other part was defined as the Biofield Energy Treated test item, which received the Biofield Energy Healing Treatment by renowned Biofield Energy Healer, Dahryn Trivedi. The study parameters like anagen induction and visual melanogenesis were performed using skin biopsy technique. The experimental results of the untreated and Biofield Energy Treated test item groups showed hair growth with 50% and 60%, respectively on dorsal clipped of skin after topical application. Besides, the Biofield Energy Treated test item group exhibited 60% melanogenesis after biopsy analysis in mice skin at the end of the experiment. The overall results demonstrated that the Biofield Energy Treatment has the potential for hair growth promotion as evident via increased hair growth and melanogenesis. Therefore, the Biofield Energy Healing (The Trivedi Effect®) Treatment could be useful as a hair growth promoter for various treatments of skin injuries and skin-related disorders like necrotizing fasciitis, actinic keratosis, sebaceous cysts, diaper rash, decubitus ulcer, etc.

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