
The aim of this trial was to evaluate the in vivo effectiveness of injectable antibiotics of one- or two-dose administration on recovery of acute App (Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae)-infected pigs. Ninety pigs with moderate general clinical score (GCS) of a commercial farm, suffering from acute App infection, were divided in two groups: (a) T1: one administration of gamithromycin injectable solution and (b) T2: two administrations of florfenicol injectable solution. Morbidity/mortality, clinical scores (clinical appearance score index-CAS, clinical respiratory score-CRS, clinical cough score index [CCS], general respiratory clinical score-GCRS, and general clinical score-GCS), body temperature score (BTS), and posttreatment interval were recorded. The carcass weight and lung scoring were estimated, based on slaughterhouse pleurisy evaluation system score, lung lobes score, and pneumonia area. The results of this study indicated that the tested antibiotics are efficacious for the recovery of acute App-affected pigs. Quicker improvement of BTS in sick pigs (at day 1 and 2) and quicker recovery of clinical signs, based on the improvement of clinical parameters (CAS, CCS, GCRS, GCS on day 2 and 3, and CRS on day 2), were noticed in T1 group. In conclusion, the use of tested antibiotics in acute App-affected pigs is an effective strategy for the control of an acute outbreak.

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