
Collagen is key component of extracellular matrix for human and animals. It can be extracted and applied for various field especially in tissue engineering as main component for wound healing. Collagen especially type I collagen is used in skin regeneration process due to its high compatibility with donor site and low antigenicity besides of having suitable properties for wound healing like high cell proliferation and adhesion. However, the usage of collagen alone would not give maximum wound healing since collagen degrades faster, has poor structure for a scaffold and attracts bacteria due to high moisture content. Therefore, to produce a good collagen scaffold, it must be incorporated with functional biomaterials to enhance the characteristic of the collagen and fabricated for a better scaffold structure. The objective of this systematic review is to summarize the relevant literature for in vitro study on collagen application in wound healing by focusing on the source of collagen, biomaterials and fabrication methods used in making collagen scaffold. Three databases were searched; PubMed, Scopus and Science Direct. Keywords used were: collagen, recombinant collagen, collagen scaffold, application and wound healing. A total of 1105 were articles screened but only 50 articles were suitable and were further reviewed. Collagen in wound healing study has versatility in terms of the source of collagen used, the biomaterials combined with the collagen to make an enhanced scaffold, and the fabrication methods to create a desirable structure of collagen scaffold.

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