Striga hermonthica (Del.) Benth a well-known hemi-parasitic weed, it also has been used widely in African folk medicine to remedy broad spectra of diseases. The current contribution is an attempt to establish reproducible in vitro callusing system. In vitro seedling’s stem segments were used as an explant for callus induction, in 1.5% or 3.0% sucrose added into Murashig and Skoog medium (MS) and supplemented with different auxins, α-Naphthalene-3-acetic acid (NAA), 2,4-dichlorophenoxy acetic acid (2,4-D), Indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), or Indole-3-butryic acid (IBA) at different concentrations each alone or in combination with cytokinin 0.5 mgL−1 6-benzyl aminopurine. The most effective auxin was NAA with maximum 79% callus induction rate. All auxin treatments induced callus in all concentration when used alone or combined with BAP, except 2,4-D, which induced the callus only when combined with BAP. A high sucrose concentration was required for high callus induction rate by all auxin treatments. IAA and IBA auxins induced direct shoot regeneration and had low callus induction rates. NAA, IAA and IBA induced organogenic calli, whereas 2,4-D in combination with BAP induced non-organogenic callus. We further screened preliminarily the phytochemical contents of the callus and intact plant, which was revealed the presence of flavonoids, terpenes, saponins, cardiac glycosides, alkaloids, tannins and coumarins. Experimental data of both seed culture and callus induction could provide a route to further enhance the efficiency of callus initiation of S. hermonthica for medicinal purposes and understanding the infection mechanism of the witch-weed plant.
Faisal Hammad Mekky Koua,[1]Striga hermonthica (Del.) Benth, an obligatory root-parasitic plant, which causes considerable yield loses amongst many gramina-Key words: callus induction, germination stimulant, parasitic plant, seed germination, Striga hermonthica.Fatima Misbah Abbas,[2] Eisa Ibrahim Elgaali,[2] Mutasim Mohammed Khalafallah,[2] Hind Ahmed Ali Babiker[1]
The surface sterilized seeds were germinated aseptically for the production of in vitro seedlings, which were used later as explants in callus induction experiments and for shoot were used in the callogenesis study of S. hermonthica.[17]
Due to the debates about the growth requirements regarding the in vitro culture development of S. hermonthica, we based on the general Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium constituents for plant in vitro culture.[17,19]
Striga hermonthica (Del.) Benth, an obligatory root-parasitic plant, which causes considerable yield loses amongst many gramina-. While metabolic profiling in plants is increasing, such studies have not been carried out yet on a parasitic plant, and information on the biochemistry of S. hermonthica remains poor.[17] Our current established callus induction system is suitable for the comparative metabolomics studies toward understanding the infection mecha-. All auxin treatments induced callus in all con- eral advantages over traditional whole plant nisms by inducing an in vitro infection and for centration when used alone or combined with systems to study the molecular and biochemi- the folkloric medicinal applications as well. A high sucrose growing these parasitic plants in concentration was required for high callus induction rate by all auxin treatments. IAA and vitro is difficult, because of their dependence on connection to hosts for normal development
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