
In humans, serum testosterone (T) is largely bound to the sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) and human serum albumin (hSA), resulting in a 2–3 % of unbound or “free” active quote (FT). Endocrine-disrupting chemicals, including perfluoro-alkyl substances (PFAS), are recognized to interfere with the hormonal axes, but the possible impact on the FT quote has not been addressed so far. Here we investigated the possible competition of two acknowledged PFAS molecules on T binding to SHBG and hSA. In particular, perfluoro-octanoic acid (PFOA) and acetic acid, 2,2-difluoro-2-((2,2,4,5-tetrafluoro-5(trifluoromethoxy)-1,3-dioxolan-4-yl)oxy)-ammonium salt (1:1) (C6O4) were used as, respectively, legacy-linear and new-generation-cyclic PFASs. Human recombinant SHBG 30–234 domain (SHBG30–234), produced in HEK293-F cells, and delipidated recombinant hSA were used as in vitro protein models. Isothermal Titration Calorimetry (ITC) and tryptophan fluorescence quencing (TFQ) were used to evaluate the binding modes of T and PFAS to SHBG30–234 and hSA. ITC revealed the binding of T to SHBG30–234 with a Kd of 44 ± 2 nM whilst both PFOA and C6O4 showed no binding activity. Results were confirmed by TFQ, since only T modified the fluorescence profile of SHBG30–234. In hSA, TFQ confirmed the binding of T on FA6 site of the protein. A similar binding mode was observed for PFOA but not for C6O4, as further verified by displacement experiments with T. Although both PFASs were previously shown to bind hSA, only PFOA is predicted to possibly compete with T for the binding to hSA. However, on the base of the binding stoichiometry and affinity of PFOA for hSA, this appears unlikely at the blood concentrations of the chemical documented to date.

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