
This paper investigates the uses of the popular social networking site Facebook, and the perceptions of the users which derive from their Facebook experience. In the exploratory stage, 70 users generated phrases to describe the manner they used Facebook. Interestingly, some users do not only describe the uses, but also mention how they perceive these uses. These phrases were coded into 14 items and then clustered into 4 factors. The second stage of the study, which was addressed to 131 Facebook users, the factor analysis that was conducted, verified the validity of the four factors: Social Connection, Social Network Surfing, Time, Using Applications. Finally, the results were analyzed in order to interpret each factor's impact and to enable a comparison with previous research regarding the same subject. These showed how users continue to primarily regard Facebook as a means of socializing with other users, but also the extent to which Facebook has become a part of their daily routine, something that is indicated by the impact of the Wasting Time factor. Further research can be conducted by addressing a greater number of users, selected with a less random manner and possibly with a different (cultural, economical etc.) background.

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