
The Zhengchong gold deposit, with a gold reserve of 19 t, is located in the Liling Goldfield, central Jiangnan Orogen, Southern China. The orebodies are structurally bound by NW- and NNE-NE-trending faults, hosted in the Neoproterozoic slates. The ore styles primarily comprise auriferous pyrite-arsenopyrite-quartz vein, disseminated pyrite-arsenopyrite-sericite-quartz mineralized slate, and intense mineralized slate breccia. The gold-bearing sulfide-quartz veins have average Au grades up to 13.5 g/t, generally higher than that of mineralized rock in all orebodies of 0.6–2.0 g/t and intense mineralized breccia within quartz veins of 2.5–4.0 g/t. Three primary and successive paragenetic sequences are identified: (i) Barren quartz – muscovite; (ii) Quartz – polymetallic sulfides – native gold – muscovite – minor chlorite; (iii) Barren quartz – calcite veins. Native gold has only been observed in the fractures of early barren quartz, pyrite and arsenopyrite in NW-trending auriferous veins. According to textural differences, five types of pyrite and four types of arsenopyrite are recognized from NW- and NNE-NE-trending orebodies.Based on LA-ICPMS spot and imaging analyses of different types of pyrites and arsenopyrites, the refractory, invisible gold in pyrites and arsenopyrites range from < 1 to >500 ppm and was incorporated in these sulfides through substitution of As1− for S2− as the Au and As data plotting below the both gold solubility lines for Carlin and orogenic gold deposits. The invisible gold as the form of Au+ concentrates in sulfides. Besides, minor micro-scale gold with Cu-, Pb-, Sb-, Ag-, and Bi-minerals occur in the pores of pyrite and arsenopyrite. The initial ore-bearing fluid with abundant Si, S, Fe, As and minor Au, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Sb, Te, Pb, Bi reacting with Neoproterozoic slates to generate low-grade pyrite (Py-I and Py-III) in both-trending orebodies. For NNE-trending sulfide-quartz veins, cyclic fluid pressure dropping resulted fluid phase separation and destabilization of bisulphide-gold. Due to the small fluid flux in narrow NNE-trending faults, Au+ exhausted after the precipitation of high-grade Py-II, Apy-II and Au-rich rim of Py-I with invisible gold. In NW-trending auriferous quartz veins, hydrofracturing under high fluid pressure in thrust shear-faults, generated massive slate breccias. The sharply pressure decrease in dilations along the ore-controlling faults resulted in significant auriferous fluid phase separation and the solubility reducing of trace elements and gold, which in turn led in the deposition of native gold with chalcopyrite, sphalerite and tetrahedrite in fractures of Py-IV and Apy-III.

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