
In 2004 the 2544 m deep RWTH-1 well was drilled in the city centre of Aachen to supply geothermal heat for the heating and cooling of the new student service centre “SuperC” of RWTH Aachen University. Aachen is located in a complex geologic and tectonic position at the northern margin of the Variscan deformation front at the borders between the Brabant Massif, the Hohes Venn/Eifel areas and the presently active rift zone of the Lower Rhine Embayment, where existing data on in situ stress show complex changes over short distances. The borehole offers a unique opportunity to study varying stress regimes in this area of complex geodynamic evolution. This study of the in situ stresses is based on the observation of compressive borehole breakouts and drilling-induced tensile fractures in electrical and acoustic image logs. The borehole failure analysis shows that the maximum horizontal stress trends SE–NW which is in accordance with the general West European stress trend. Stress magnitudes modelled in accordance to the Mohr–Coulomb Theory of Sliding Friction indicate minimum and maximum horizontal stress gradients of 0.019 MPa/m and 0.038 MPa/m, respectively. The occurrence of drilling-induced tensile failure and the calculated in situ stress magnitudes are consistent with a model of strike-slip deformation. The observed strike-slip faulting regime supports the extension of the Brabant Shear Zone proposed by Ahorner (1975) into the Aachen city area, where it joins the major normal faulting set of the Roer Valley Graben zone. This intersection of the inherited Variscan deformation grain and the Cenozoic deformation resulting in recent strike-slip and normal faulting activity proves the tectonically different deformation responses over a short distance between the long-lived Brabant Massif and the Cenozoic Rhine Rift System.

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