
Following onto our work on the in situ remediation of soils contaminated with PAH’s, PCB’s and other polychlorinated organic compounds using microwave energy, we now report a preliminary investigation on the in situ remediation of soils contaminated with toxic metal ions: Cd(II), Mn(II), Th(IV), Cr(III) and mainly Cr(VI). The soil is partially vitrified in the process, and extraction with hot (70 °C) 35% nitric acid for 4.5 h leads to the recovery of very small amounts of the metals which had been spiked into the clean soil: Cd, Mn, and Cr(III) are completely immobilized (unextractable), Th is mostly unextractable, and Cr(VI) partially extractable at very high levels of spiking, but almost completely unextractable using the US EPA Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure. This suggests that contaminated soils which are not going to be used for agricultural purposes can be remediated safely to preset depths without fear of the toxic metal ions leaching out for a long time.

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