
The prolactin hormone is involved in several biological functions, although its main role resides on reproduction. As it interferes on fertility changes, studies focused on human health have established a linkage of this hormone to fertility losses. Regarding animal research, there is still a lack of information about the structure of prolactin. In case of horse breeding, prolactin has a particular influence; once there is an individualization of these animals and equines are known for presenting several reproductive disorders. As there is no molecular structure available for the prolactin hormone and receptor, we performed several bioinformatics analyses through prediction and refinement softwares, as well as manual modifications. Aiming to elucidate the first computational structure of both molecules and analyse structural and functional aspects related to these proteins, here we provide the first known equine model for prolactin and prolactin receptor, which obtained high global quality scores in diverse software's for quality assessment. QMEAN overall score obtained for ePrl was (- 4.09) and QMEANbrane for ePrlr was (- 8.45), which proves the structures' reliability. This study will implement another tool in equine genomics in order to give light to interactions of these molecules, structural and functional alterations and therefore help diagnosing fertility problems, contributing in the selection of a high genetic herd.

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