
In the unpublished inventory of «bona et iura», which belonged to Stefano Fatinelli (d. 1418), a Lucchese merchant of high lineage, are recorded more than sixty codes which were kept «in scrineis domine Caterine», that is Caterina Martini, widow of the late Stefano. This instrumentum is kept in a notarial protocol of the Lucca State Archive; its discovery allowed to conduct various researches, based on unpublished materials, the results of which are presented here. The essay is divided into three paragraphs. The first one outlines Fatinelli’s profile, through the analysis of his will and the use of other sources, including a manuscript bearer of the life of Saint Zita (d. 1278), the humble servant who worked for the powerful Fatinelli family. The second paragraph is dedicated to the illustration of the inventory and its contextualization: indeed, it was drawn up following a petition, requested by a relative of the late Stefano to the Vicar of the Podesta of Lucca, in order to protect the infant heir to a considerable patrimony. The last paragraph is reserved for books: they are almost camouflaged in the inventory, which is composed by a long theory of land, buildings, household linen, precious fabrics, various furnishings, lists of debtors, etc. belonged to the deceased one. The critical edition of the books inventory items is preceded by some reflections thanks to which the library’s “cultural gradient” is identified. The short list is evidence of a library collection now lost, of which two manuscripts are still recognised. Finally, the appendix contains Stefano Fatinelli’s will and the aforementioned petition. This essay gives the image of one of the private libraries that, starting from the XIVth Century, acquired importance in Lucca. Additionally, it helps to outline the overall picture of the circulation of books and cultural interests within and beyond the city walls in the early fifteenth century.

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