
Professor Rémi Vaillancourt passed away on November 29, 2015. He was born in Maniwaki, Quebéc, Canada, in 1934. After completing his undergraduate studies at the University of Ottawa, he defended his PhD thesis at the Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences in New York under the supervision of P.D. Lax and K.O. Friedrichs in 1969. Later, together with A.P. Calderón, Rémi Vaillancourt obtained important results in the theory of pseudo-differential operators. Since 1970, professor Vaillancourt had worked at the University of Ottawa. He had more than 180 published papers in refereed journals. Professor Rémi Vaillancourt was very active in promoting mathematics and mathematical education. In 1975–1981, he served as a vice-president and president of the Canadian Mathematical Society and later as the president of the Canadian Society of Applied Mathematics. He was also the chairman of the Canadian National Commitee for the International Mathematical Union in 1979–1988. For many years, professor Rémi Vaillancourt was a member of the editorial board of the journal „Scientific proceedings of Riga Technical University”. His contribution to research with the staff of the Department of Engineering Mathematics of the Riga Technical University in the areas of non-destructive testing and fluid mechanics was very significant. We worked with Rémi Vaillancourt for many years. He had an extremely pleasant personality and was always willing to help his colleagues. We had a great pleasure to meet Rémi’s family in Ottawa. During these years, research collaboration with Rémi evolved into closer ties also with his family. We were deeply saddened by the news of Rémi’s passing. He will always be in our hearts.

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