
Libraries are the great source for providing knowledge and information. Due to changes in educational environment, it is necessary to have to digital environment for libraries. This in-house Library Management website provide us the information about the books available in the library so that we can easily take the book from the library. The system would provide basic set of features to add/update members, add/update books, and manage check in specifications for the systems based on the client's statement of need. When logged in, we can access the e-book of the library. It really helps in now-a-days digital world. We can see what are all the books that are borrowed from library and the due dates, these information helps the user and library to have a traffic free environment. In the Admin login we can able to access the student details and the books they borrowed. Admin can able to access all the books in the library and he can add or delete a particular book. It is easy for a librarian to maintain the stock in the library. We can easily have an information about what are the books that are most needed and which is frequently borrowed so that we can increase the count of the particular number of books.

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