
This article provides an in‐depth chronology of the development of in‐home electronics shopping, beginning with optimistic predictions of revolutionary growth and possible displacement of traditional retailers, through the acknowledged marketplace failures of two U.S. pioneers of videotex. Included are findings of various research studies and controlled market test results that highlight practical problems associated with this technological innovation in consumer marketing. In addressing the reasons contributing to its disappointing past, the article focuses on the impact of system, organization, product, and demand variables on in‐home electronic shopping. Prestel, the British videotex system, and Minitel, the French videotex system, are described and compared with the commercial efforts of major U.S. corporations. In addition, the article high‐lights the advantages and disadvantages of two leading technologies (television shopping shows and laser videodisc retailing) that currently compete with in‐home electronic shopping for the nonstore retailing market. The article concludes with some cautionary comments and pragmatic suggestions for increasing the probability of commercial success of in‐home electronic shopping.

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