
PAGE 1072 Chinese researchers demonstrate an eight-channel hybrid-integrated laser light source with 100 GHz channel spacing. Side mode suppression ratios of better than 40 dB were obtained via grating couplers under eight-channel simultaneous operation at a continuous wave current of 600 mA and 25°C. PAGE 1056 A robust and efficient long-term tracker based on local feature matching and density clustering is proposed by Chinese researchers for use in UAV-based tracking systems. The tracker used a novel density-based clustering method to locate an occluded target by using local collected features. Experiments show favourable performance of the algorithm compared to other related trackers. Schematic of 8-channel hybrid-integrated laser array. PAGE 1036 A collaboration of researchers from Malaysia and Bangladesh present a single switched-capacitor and series LC resonant converted based active voltage balancing circuit. The balancing circuit directly transfers energy from higher capacitive energy storage cells to lower energy storage cells. Experimental analysis demonstrates the performance of the system. The overall framework of the proposed tracker. The tracking module and re-detection module are shown in blue and red, respectively. PAGE 1091 Researchers from Mexico have developed a new subcarrier allocation scheme for NOMA systems based on the evaluation of the instantaneous behaviour of wireless channels using the condition number of the channel matrix. Simulation results reveal that the proposed scheme increases the total sum rate of the system compared to previous methods. Proposed balancing circuit schematic diagram. PAGE 1065 Researchers from the Republic of Korea present a wideband on-chip Wilkinson power divider (WPD) using lumped-element transition lines with 2-port negative capacitance circuits providing phase response with a positive slope and broadband port impedance. Experimental comparisons against other similar devices show the superior performance of this WPD. Evaluation process. Fabricated WPD chip.

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