
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyeleksi dan mendapatkan antigen bakteri A.hydrophila strain lokal desa Sungai Batang dan Mandiangin Kalimantan Selatan yang bersifat imunogenik terhadap ikan lele dumbo. Antigen diinaktif menggunakan metode pemanasan (heat killed). Rancangan penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan acak lengkap (RAL) dengan 6 perlakuan 3 ulangan yang meliputi perlakuan vaksinasi dengan antigen Aeromonas hydrophila strain P5.1 (A), strain AM01 (B), strain P1.1 (C), strain P3.1 (D), strain P4.1 (E) dan kontrol diinjeksi dengan PBS pH 7,0 (K). Antigen diinjeksi secara intramuscular sebanyak 0.1 ml (kepadatan bakteri 109 sel/ml) per ekor ikan uji (A,B,C,D,E). Hasil uji imunogenisitas antigen strain lokal P5.1 dan P1.1 bersifat lebih imunogenik terhadap lele dumbo dibandingkan dengan antigen lainnya berdasarkan kemampuannya meningkatkan antibodi pasca vaksinasi. Uji reaksi silang antigen A. hydrophila strain lokal AM01, P1.1 dan P5.1 mampu bereaksi silang dengan antigen lainnya. Antigen P1.1 mampu mengenali antigen lebih banyak dibandingkan P5.1 dan AM01, sehingga dapat direkomendasikan menjadi kandidat vaksin.
 This study aims to select and obtain antigens of the local strain A. hydrophila bacteria in Sungai Batang and Mandiangin villages, South Kalimantan, which are immunogenic to African catfish. Antigen is inactivated using the heating method (heat killed). The design of this study used a completely randomized design (CRD) with 6 treatments and 3 replications which included vaccination with the antigen Aeromonas hydrophila strain P5.1 (A), strain AM01 (B), strain P1.1 (C), strain P3.1 ( D), strain P4.1 (E) and control were injected with PBS pH 7.0 (K). Antigen was injected intramuscularly as much as 0.1 ml (bacterial density 109 cells/ml) per test fish (A, B, C, D, E). The results of the antigen immunogenicity test of local strains P5.1 and P1.1 were more immunogenic to African catfish compared to other antigens based on their ability to increase post-vaccination antibodies. Antigen cross-reaction test A. hydrophila local strains AM01, P1.1 and P5.1 are capable of cross-reacting with other antigens. P1.1 antigen is able to recognize more antigens than P5.1 and AM01, so it can be recommended as a vaccine candidate.

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