
The subject of the research is the structure of the labor market of rural areas through the development of enterprises of rural green tourism. The purpose of the work is to identify problems and trends of employment of rural population and to substantiate the organization of alternative types of employment in rural areas through the development of rural green tourism enterprises. Methodological basis of the article became general scientific methods of cognition, generalization, method of comparative analysis, statistical and other methods of research. Results of work The labor market in the countryside is characterized by the curtailment of job offers through the holding of agrarian production, its modernization. There is an increase in labor productivity, the release of large masses of the rural population, a decrease in the levels of its income and life. This leads to the search for and justification of alternative types of employment in the countryside. One of them is the definition of rural green tourism and its enterprises. Moreover, the organization of small tourist enterprises and agro-villages in the village does not require significant investments and special professional training of workers. They are based on the use of material resources of farmers, personal peasant and households, as well as the traditions of hospitality and the rural way of life of Ukrainians. The field of application of results. The results of the study can be used by the state executive authorities in improving the structure of the labor market of rural areas. Conclusions With the purpose of developing the rural economy and expanding the labor market for rural residents, we proposed the development of rural green tourism enterprises. The organization of new types of economic activity in rural areas is intended to increase the incomes of rural population. With the active development of unique and competitive destinations for rural green tourism, for which rural areas are used as an advantage, rather than treated as a disadvantage, it is possible to reach a sufficiently high level of profitability. This will give impetus to the further development of the countryside and the emergence of adjacent or serving businesses.


  • There is an increase in labor productivity, the release of large masses of the rural population, a decrease in the levels of its income and life

  • One of them is the definition of rural green tourism and its enterprises

  • With the purpose of developing the rural economy and expanding the labor market for rural residents, we proposed the development of rural green tourism enterprises

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Предметом дослідження є структура ринку праці сільських територій шляхом розвитку підприємств сільського зеленого туризму. Метою роботи є виявлення проблем і тенденцій зайнятості населення сільських територій та обґрунтування організації альтернативних видів зайнятості на селі шляхом розвитку підприємств сільського зеленого туризму. З метою розвитку економіки сільських територій та розширення ринку праці для сільських жителів нами запропоновано розвиток підприємств сільського зеленого туризму. Предметом исследования является структура рынка труда сельских территорий путем развития предприятий сельского зеленого туризма. Целью работы является выявление проблем и тенденций занятости населения сельских территорий и обоснование организации альтернативных видов занятости на селе путем развития предприятий сельского зеленого туризма. Результаты исследования могут быть использованы органами государственной власти при совершенствовании структуры рынка труда сельских территорий. С целью развития экономики сельских территорий и расширения рынка труда для сельских жителей нами предложено развитие предприятий сельского зеленого туризма. Ключевые слова: сельские территории, предприятия, сельский зеленый туризм, рынок труда, занятость, альтернативные виды населения, совершенствование

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