
Human motor activity is one of the body's physical needs, which takes an important place in the life process. The formation and development of all organs and systems of the human body are inextricably associated with activity and muscle effectiveness. The systematic use of physical culture and sports in accordance with gender, age, state of health is one of the factors of a healthy lifestyle.
 Democratic changes in the world today have given impetus to the revival of historical, national and cultural traditions, including those related to physical culture and sports. The recent popularity of wrestling in many countries around the world is forcing professionals to reconsider their views on the methodology of the training process on the types of wrestling and look for new ways to improve the quality of the training process to maintain competitiveness. The purpose of the study: the formation of motor skills and abilities of women in wrestling in the "Alysh" belts at the stage of initial training. Research methods: analysis and generalization of scientific and methodical literature sources, psychophysiological research methods, pedagogical research methods, mathematical methods of data processing of scientific research. Conclusions. The results of the study indicate a positive effect of complexes of physical exercises and training regimes on the development of flexibility and coordination on the formation of technical actions of women in wrestling on "Alysh" belts at the initial stage, technical readiness of women increased 22.5% relative to the control group 5.1% , flexibility increased by 33.2% of the experimental group relative to the control group of 7.6%.


  • The results of the study indicate a positive effect of complexes of physical exercises and training regimes on the development of flexibility and coordination on the formation of technical actions of women in wrestling on "Alysh" belts at the initial stage, technical readiness of women increased 22.5% relative to the control group 5.1%, flexibility increased by 33.2% of the experimental group relative to the control group of 7.6%

  • Г. Теоретичні і методичні аспекти формування рухових вмінь і навичок у боротьбі на поясах Алиш

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Досліджуванні групи

В період педагогічного експерименту моторна щільність заняття експериментальної групи збільшилась на 38,4 %. Відносно контрольної групи, це в свою чергу привело до збільшення частоти серцевих скорочень на 17,1 % в порівняні з контрольною групою. Ергофізіологічна характеристика навчально-тренувального заняття експериментальної групи (90 хв), Показник

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