
The purpose of this study is: 1) To find out, test and analyze the influence of tourist Attraction on tourist satisfaction 2) To find out, test and analyze the influence of accessibility on tourist satisfaction, 3) To find out, test and analyze the effects of promotions on tourist satisfaction, and, 4) To find out, test and analyze the effect of tourist satisfaction on the interest in returning to a tourist visit. This research is an observation that is quantitative research by taking samples in tourist objects, with explanatory approach, that is explanatory research to test the influence between variables used in research. The population used in this research is tourists who visit in two tourist objects, namely Muara Kuin floating market and Lok Baintan floating market because the population is discrete, so the sampling used is as much as 150 tourists and the sampling technique using purposive sampling technique. The analysis technique used in this research is multiple linear regression analysis that is linear relationship between two or more independent variables with dependent variable. Based on the results of the research hypothesis proved that from 4 independent variables used in this study only one variable that is influential but not significant, namely the accessibility variable, this is because the object of this floating market is in the residential community so that the existing infrastructure is sufficient to go to the tourist location. Whether it is road and river road, while for variable attraction of tourist attraction, promotional activities have a significant effect on the satisfaction of tourists.

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