
Silicon-vacancy (SiV) centers in diamond are emerging as promising quantum emitters in applications such as quantum communication and quantum information processing. Here, we demonstrate a sub-μs pulsed annealing treatment that dramatically increases the photoluminescence of SiV centers in diamond. Using a silane-functionalized adamantane precursor and a laser-heated diamond anvil cell, the temperature and energy conditions required to form SiV centers in diamond were mapped out via an optical thermometry system with an accuracy of ±50 K and a 1 μs temporal resolution. Annealing scheme studies reveal that pulsed annealing can obviously minimize the migration of SiV centers out of the diamond lattice, and a 2.5-fold increase in the number of emitting centers was achieved using a series of 200-ns pulses at a 50 kHz repetition rate via acousto-optic modulation. Our study provides a novel pulsed annealing treatment approach to improve the efficiency of the creation of SiV centers in diamond.

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