
This action research primarily aims to remediate the low level of basic writing skills (writing in cursive, capitalization, punctuation, spelling, and paragraphing) of Grade 7 learners in Filipino class/subject in a government high school. The researcher conducted (1) assessment of learners’ writing competency through pre- and post-tests; (2) preparation/development of writing exercises; (3) activities emphasizing the conduct of writing activities in and out of the classroom; and (4) home visitations to reinforce the teacher’s and parents’ monitoring on the progress of their children. A five-point rating scale was utilized in assessing learners’ outputs. An increase of 1.56 was recorded in the general rating of pre- to post-test, which shows that 80% improvement is manifested among the learners’ basic writing competencies, proving that the intervention used is effective in achieving the target of the study. The study reveals the significant role of teachers in arousing learners’ interest in writing and making them realize its importance. The study holds true the importance of having learning activities and worksheets appropriate to the level of learners’ needs to improve/enhance the unique skills in writing of each learner. Just like other researchers, this study encourages the promptly remediate the classroom- and/or school-based problems through the conduct of research for a rational and systematic way of addressing it. With the aid of well a documented study in all research endeavors, this will guide other teachers and school heads to experience the same plight of addressing the gaps in schools effectively.

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