This study aims to find out and describe the effects of school culture and professional competence on teacher performance in SD in Gugus 1 Dewi Sartika, East Baturaja District. This study was participated by 105 elementary school teachers in Gugus 1 Dewi Sartika, East Baturaja District who were taken through a saturated sampling technique where the entire population became the research sample as a whole. This type of research is quantitative descriptive with research survey methods and using questionnaires as data instruments. The results of this study found that (1) the sig.value of the school culture variable is 0.000 (<0.05) and the tobtained> ttable value (4.195> 1.659), then hypothesis 1 is accepted; (2) sig. The professional competency variable is 0.000 (<0.05) tobtained> ttable value (6.378> 1.659), then hypothesis 2 is accepted; (3). the sig value is 0.000 (<0.05) and the F value is 25.344 where the Ftable value is 2.67 (Fobtained> Ftable), so hypothesis 3 is accepted. Based on these results, it can be concluded that school culture and professional competence have an effect either partially or collectively on teacher performance.
This study aims to find out and describe the effects of school culture and professional competence on teacher performance in SD in Gugus 1 Dewi Sartika, East Baturaja District
Learning Indonesian Language and Literature must be directed at the essence of Indonesian Language and Literature as a means of communication
The information obtained from reading can have an effect on increasing knowledge and skills
This study aims to find out and describe the effects of school culture and professional competence on teacher performance in SD in Gugus 1 Dewi Sartika, East Baturaja District. This study was participated by 105 elementary school teachers in Gugus 1 Dewi Sartika, East Baturaja District who were taken through a saturated sampling technique where the entire population became the research sample as a whole This type of research is quantitative descriptive with research survey methods and using questionnaires as data instruments. The sig value is 0.000 ( Ftable), so hypothesis 3 is accepted Based on these results, it can be concluded that school culture and professional competence have an effect either partially or collectively on teacher performance. The ability to write descriptive texts must be improved since childhood or starting from elementary school education
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