
Network Rail, the infrastructure manager of UK, is currently focussing on improving the reliability and performance of switches and crossings layouts. Site investigations have revealed many poorly performing switches and crossings sites that require intensive maintenance intervention with associated costs and safety implications. Analysis has shown that if the root causes are correctly identified, such as design deficiencies or wheel-rail interface issues, then applying the correct solutions can eradicate, or minimise problems. This paper presents the use of modelling and site validation to solve track maintenance issues leading to improvement in performance and reliability of switches and crossings. This is supported by practical case studies of how improvements are being achieved by a structured process which includes: undertaking site visits to identify the problem, collecting data for technical analysis and then liaising with local engineers to implement solution for site specific failures and, where applicable, working with manufacturers to optimise their products based on improved engineering requirements.KeywordsOptimisationSwitches and crossingsFailure modes

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