
Background: The main problem in taekwondo athletes is the lack of knowledge and skills in handling sprain injuries using the PRICE technique. Protection, Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation is a non-pharmacological therapy for the treatment of sprains. Sprain injury handling skills with PRICE can be taught to anyone, especially taekwondo athletes through Instagram media and training on simulation methods so that they have good skills in handling sprain injuries. This study aims to determine the effect of education through Instagram media and simulations on the skills of handling sprain injuries in taekwondo athletes.
 Methods: The research used quasi-experimental design which involve pre-posttest with control group. The population was Taekwondo athlete community in Central Java. Samples were selected with total sampling technique. Subjects were 68 respondents consisting of 34 in each group obtained by simple random sampling technique. Education using video, leaflet and simulation provided to the control group, while the treatment group obtained material via instagram story, reels, videos, captions on Instagram and simulation. The measurement of Sprain injury management skills was using observation sheet. Mann whiney test performed the analysis.
 Results: The results showed that sprain injury management skills score increases significantly in those two groups (p-value:0.000; α;0.05). The treatment group showed a higher increases of that sprain injury management skills than control group.
 Conclusion: The finding highlights education using instagram and simulation is effective to increasing sprain injury management skills of Taekwondo athlete. It is recommended to apply instagram and simulation in order to upgrading the skills.

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