
Abstract The ‘Ridge to Coast, Rain to Tap’ (R2CR2T) project aims to address several identified factors in order to reduce flood vulnerability and improve the resilience of the water supply in Cagayan de Oro, Philippines. The project, which started on 1st January 2018, has adopted an integrated approach, working both directly on the water supply infrastructure and at a systemic level in the river basin. Through capacity development, investments and technical assistance, the project will provide a strong boost to improve the operations of the Cagayan de Oro Water District (COWD). Water supply coverage, sanitation services and disaster risk reduction are being expanded to up to 7,000 previously unserved households in relocation areas, primarily inhabited by people who lost their homes in the 2011 Sendong flood. In the upstream Cagayan de Oro River Basin (CDORB), several pilot reforestation interventions are being implemented in partnership with local Indigenous Peoples (IP) communities to demonstrate effective and sustainable ways for addressing the causes of flooding. The project aims to contribute to an enabling environment in which public and private stakeholders in CDO and Bukidnon Province cooperate towards flood risk reduction. The R2CR2T project is a Public-Private Partnership including partners Cagayan de Oro Water District, VEI, FITC, Unifrutti Tropical Philippines Inc, Cagayan de Oro River Basin Management Council, Hineleban Foundation, Bukidnon Indigenous Peoples Advisory Council, Wetlands International, Philippines Red Cross and Netherlands Red Cross. The R2CR2T project is 49% co-funded by the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and administered by the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) through the Sustainable Water Fund.

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