
Currently, fingerprinting continues to be one of the main methods in solving crimes and proving in criminal cases. A huge corpus of fingerprint traces of unsolved crimes, fingerprint maps of living persons and unidentified corpses has been formed. In addition, the identification of people by papillary patterns on their hands is one of the fastest, most effective and least expensive methods of identifying people in solving the daily tasks of law enforcement agencies aimed at actively suppressing and preventing all forms of illegal acts. In this regard, there is a need not just to enlarge the circle of persons subject to mandatory state fingerprinting registration, but to consolidate at the legislative level the universal fingerprinting registration of citizens. The issue has been discussed for quite a long time, but it is with a positive decision that a serious potential will be formed in the implementation of the already available fingerprint information in the solving and investigation of crimes of past years and a practically guaranteed result in the implementation of search queries on fingerprint records already in the medium term. The article considers the opinions of scientists and practitioners on the issue of universal mandatory fingerprint registration, as well as the positive experience of using this method of personal identification in foreign countries. A mechanism for the introduction of universal fingerprint registration in practice and ways for the formation of a positive attitude towards this procedure among the population as the means of ensuring public order and the safety of citizens by the state are proposed.

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