
The study of the effect of the chelate complex “Akvarin 5” on grain productivity and quality was conducted on sodpodzolic soil in 2017-2019. The objects of the study were the spring wheat varieties ‘Daria’ (a standard), ‘Sudarynya’, ‘Ladya’, ‘Kamenka’. The purpose of the study was to determine the efficiency of the water-soluble mineral fertilizer with a complex of microelements “Akvarin 5”, produced by the local industry, on grain productivity and quality of various spring wheat varieties. The highest grain productivity was obtained with the use of mineral fertilizers in combination with additional fertilizing of 3 kg/ha of “Akvarin 5”. The productivity increase was 0.53–0.64 t/ha with 0.19–0.24 t/ha of НСР0.5 in comparison with the control. Spring wheat additional fertilizing with water-soluble fertilizer in its pure form increased protein in grain on 0.27–0.94% in comparison with the control, and when fertilizing “Akvarin 5” according to the N26P38K38 background, this indicator increased to 9.69–11.09%. When treating sowings with 1.5 and 3.0 kg/ha of “Akvarin 5” in its pure form, gluten content in grain increased to 18.71–20.30% in all varieties (in the control it was 17.71–18.91%). Treating of growing plants with “Akvarin 5” against the background of mineral fertilizers promoted the varieties to form grain with 19.89–21.26% of gluten. When treating spring wheat sowings with the water-soluble complex “Akvarin 5”, the cost of grain reduced by 14.4–17.5%, profitability raised on 17.7–22.6 in comparison with the control.


  • The study of the effect of the chelate complex “Akvarin 5” on grain productivity and quality was conducted on sodpodzolic soil in 2017-2019

  • The purpose of the study was to determine the efficiency of the water-soluble mineral fertilizer with a complex of microelements “Akvarin 5”, produced by the local industry, on grain productivity and quality of various spring wheat varieties

  • The highest grain productivity was obtained with the use of mineral fertilizers in combination with additional fertilizing of 3 kg/ha of “Akvarin 5”

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Каменка урожайность

Исследования показали, что при опрыскивании яровой пшеницы «Акварин 5» в чистом виде формируется зерно с массой 1000 зерен [31,7–34,4] г, а на контроле – 28,3–29,4 г. Еще более увеличивается масса 1000 зерен при подкормке «Акварин 5» по фону минеральных удобрений (32,6–34,8 г). При оценке качества зерна особое внимание обращают на стекловидность, количество и качество белка и клейковины. Белок характеризует пищевую ценность зерна, а качество клейковины является основным показателем в определении хлебопекарных свойств муки. Были проведены исследования по определению стекловидности зерна, результаты которых представлены в таблице 3

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