
This study looked at the relationship between performance and motivation and discipline at Radjak Hospital Salemba. This study used quantitative data collected through a Likert scale with the SPSS version 23 program. Data were collected from 221 patients at Radjak Hospital Salemba. This hospital is located in the northwestern part of Indonesia and is staffed by local residents. This research uses quantitative descriptive research. A population of 221 people was tested using the Slovin sample formula, and at least 69 people were included in the sample. The results are positive, with a Sig Value of 0.259 and a T-Test Result of 0.040. Additionally, 3. Based on the results of multiple linear regression, work motivation and work discipline have a positive effect on employee performance. This influence can be seen in the constant values ​​of 0.797 and 0.259 for positive work motivation and work discipline, respectively. In addition, the Sig T test shows that the two characteristics of work ethics have a significant effect on employee performance with values ​​of 0.040 and 0.000 respectively. Work motivation and discipline also affect employee performance by 69.4% which is explained from the results of the R square test. The remaining 30.6% due to this influence is caused by other factors not examined in this study.

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