
Considering the developing conditions in interior architecture undergraduate education and inevitability of performing restructuring works to this end is a reality expressed also in the literature. Performance-based design is one of the key concepts in this approach. When the works as to interior design project performance are examined it can be observed that conducting assessments of user recognition correctly and fully at the preliminary stage of project is an important component affecting the design performance. This is because the success of interior space design is measured by considering to what extent the requirements of the users are met. In this context, the purpose of this study has been designated as the creation of documents the students will benefit from while determining user requirements at the preliminary stage of the project within the purview of Interior Architecture Design Studio courses within the interior design undergraduate education. The scope of the study is limited to only residential interior design projects with an eye to reach a more elaborate result. Literature and practical application resources were researched to determine the documents utilized for recognizing the users in residential interior design as methodology at the first stage in line with the scope and purpose defined. Subsequently, all the documents obtained were examined by making comparisons in a systematic manner and the shortcomings of the cited documents were revealed. And in the final stage, suggestions were made with a view to overcome these shortcomings. It will be possible to determine user requirements more accurately through utilization of documents created in line with suggestions to be made within the purview of the study at the preliminary stage of residential interior design projects by interior architecture undergraduate students and this will increase the students' success as to designing significantly.

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